Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Project: Christmas tree

'Tis the season....of holiday crafts! It's an excuse to pull out all the glitter and jewels and make something pretty. I just did this project today with a group of kindergartners and they had a blast bedazzling their trees. 
I don't know if you can see, but there was some....unconventional materials used. One little boy decked out his tree with googly eyes. 

-Cardstock or some other heavy duty paper
-Glitter glue (easier to use and less mess than regular glitter)
-Jewels, buttons, pom poms, feathers

I printed out a tree shape, cut it out and used it like a stencil so I could make multiples. Here's the template I used:

I liked having the tree in outline, because then I could color it in and make a pattern. I suggest coloring the tree first, then gluing stuff onto it. 

After coloring the tree, drawing ornaments, adding buttons and jewels was my favorite part: glitter! I like glitter glue in bottles, because it's waaaaay easier to control and there's less mess. For my tree, I made wavy lines then patted it down with my finger. Make sure you let it dry completely before hanging it on the refrigerator. Nothing worse than a masterpiece falling apart on display. 


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