Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Another blog!

I'm going to do a little self promotion here and toot my own horn. I've tried to keep Art Helpline focused on art (duh) which makes up a pretty big majority of my passions. Mainly what I post here are resources I find that I think would be beneficial for you in teaching your kids about art. When I tag posts as "real life" it's in relation to my doing art or struggling/triumphing/whatever with being a creative, art-making person. However, I do have a life and actually am interested in other subjects as well. So, this week I started a more personal blog over at I won't be trying to teach anybody anything or posting links from around the Internet (if I do, it'll just be stuff that I find interesting), it's just a place for me to share about my life for any interested readers. So, if you want to tune into my stream of consciousness, go ahead and take a look. If you're just here for the art stuff, that's fine too.

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